by enfoqpro | Nov 10, 2023 | Sober living
One scary fact about crystal meth poisoning is that it’s not always dose-dependent. This means that chronic users can suffer from an overdose even if they consume relatively small quantities of the drug. By law, private insurers have to cover some of the costs of...
by enfoqpro | Mar 17, 2023 | Sober living
He isn’t the only one; back in the club, it’s so warm that condensation is literally dripping down the walls. He’s also getting closed-eye visualisations (CEVs) – colourful patterns that morph repeatedly – but, beyond the trailing lights, he’d...
by enfoqpro | Ago 15, 2022 | Sober living
All of them had been dismissed and most were ultimately expunged from his record. Two final misdemeanor charges, which occurred in 2019 and were pending at the time of his application, were also dismissed and ultimately expunged. Scott’s grandmother Nellie raised him...